Craig graduated from Appalachian State University and began his career as a financial planner in 1987. Working primarily with educators and non-profit organizations at the onset of his career, Craig went on to attain the prestigious designation of Certified Financial Planner™ in 1994. After twelve years in the industry, Craig founded Hancock & Associates in 1999, an independent consulting firm dedicated to the development of investment solutions for high-net-worth individuals, pension and profit-sharing plans, and foundations.
"I started this business because I was concerned by how unprepared most investors were for retirement. Many had simply bought a few mutual funds or securities with the hope that over the years their money would grow and allow them to retire. Investing is not a hit-or-miss approach, but rather a disciplined approach which attempts to access the highest level of expertise available in the financial services industry. Unfortunately many investors think they are receiving on-going investment expertise, instead they’re placed in buy-and-hold strategies that receive very little attention. I got into this business to help people and I became convinced years ago that if my clients were going to achieve their financial goals, I needed to develop a more sophisticated approach."
Craig lives in the West Michigan area with his wife, Emily, and their three children Abby, Andrew, and Anna. In his free time, Craig enjoys playing golf, soccer, camping, and leading in the Young Life organization, a ministry targeted at reaching kids in junior high and high school.
You may contact Craig directly at